How Do I Create a Base URL in WordPress?

There are a few ways to create a base URL in WordPress. You can use the built-in function get_blog_base() to get the base URL for your blog. This function takes two arguments: the slug of your post, and the blog name.

You can also use the wp_site_url() function to get the base URL for your WordPress site. This function takes no arguments and returns the full, absolute URL for your WordPress site.

If you want to create a custom base URL for your blog, you can use the get_blog_base() function, but you’ll need to pass in the slug of your post as the first argument. You can then use the wp_site_url() function to get the full, absolute URL for your WordPress site.

Finally, if you want to create a custom base URL for your WordPress site, but you don’t want to use the built-in functions, you can use the wp_create_url() function. This function takes a few arguments, but the most important one is the slug of your post.

You can then use the wp_site_url() function to get the full, absolute URL for your WordPress site.