How Do I Copy HTML From WordPress Page?

There are a few ways to copy HTML from a WordPress page. One way is to use the built-in WordPress editor.

To do this, click on the “Editor” link in the top menu bar, and then select the “HTML” tab. You can then copy the HTML code from a section of the page that you want to include in your own website. .

Another way to copy HTML from a WordPress page is to use a web browser. First, open the page in your web browser.

Then, click on the “Clipboard” icon (it looks like a piece of paper with a clipboard on it), and select the “Copy HTML” option. This will copy the entire HTML code from the page into your browser’s clipboard.

Finally, you can also use a third-party HTML editor to copy the HTML code from a WordPress page. This is the easiest way to copy the code, but it may not be the best option if you want to keep the formatting and layout of the page the same in your own website.