How Do I Copy a Custom Post in WordPress?

When you want to copy a custom post in WordPress, you first need to find the post you want to copy. To do this, open the Posts section of your WordPress site and find the post you want to copy. Click on the post title to open the post in a new window. Once the post is open, you’ll see a few different tabs at the top of the post, including the Categories and Tags tabs. Click on the Tags tab to see a list of all the tags associated with the post. Scroll down until you find the custom post you want to copy.

Click on the post title to open the post in a new window.

Now that you’ve found the custom post you want to copy, you’ll need to copy the post’s content. To do this, click on the “Content” tab at the top of the post window and copy the content of the post.

You can then paste the content into a new post or into an existing post. If you’re copying the content of a post into an existing post, make sure to change the post’s title and category to match the name and category of the post you’re copying the content into.