How Do I Convert a WordPress Page to HTML?

WordPress pages can be converted to HTML using the wp_convert_page() function. This function takes a WordPress Page object as input and returns an HTML string.

The wp_convert_page() function has the following syntax:

wp_convert_page( $page, $output );

The $page variable is a Page object. The $output variable is an HTML string.

To convert a WordPress page to HTML, you first need to create a Page object. To do this, use the wp_create_page() function.

This function takes two arguments: a name for the page, and the output format (HTML or WordPress).

Next, use the wp_convert_page() function to convert the Page object into an HTML string. The wp_convert_page() function has the following syntax:

wp_convert_page($page, $output);

The first argument is the Page object. The second argument is an HTML string.