How Do I Clone a WordPress Site?

Cloning a WordPress site is a relatively simple process that can be done using a number of different tools. The most popular and widely available cloning tool is WP Clone. WP Clone is available as a plugin for most popular WordPress hosting platforms, including WordPress.

com,, and Jetpack.

To clone a WordPress site using WP Clone, first sign in to your WordPress site using the username and password that you use to access your site. Then, from the WP Clone plugin menu, select Clone Site.

WP Clone will then ask you to choose a source site. .

If you are cloning a WordPress site that is hosted on, the source site will be the same as the destination site.

If you are cloning a WordPress site that is hosted on a different platform, the source site will be the same as the destination site, but the theme and plugins will be installed on the new site.

Once you have chosen the source site and installed WP Clone, the next step is to choose a destination site. You can clone a WordPress site to a new hosting platform, to a different domain name, or to the same domain name with a new domain name.

When you have chosen the destination site, WP Clone will ask you to enter the information for the new site. WP Clone will create a copy of the source site, including all the files and databases.

The only difference between the source and the clone site is the content.

WP Clone is a great tool for cloning a WordPress site. It is easy to use and has a wide range of options for customization.

If you are planning to clone a WordPress site, WP Clone is a good option to consider.