How Do I Claim My Pinterest Site on WordPress?

Pinterest is a popular social networking site that lets users share and discover images. APinterest site can be created on WordPress using the Pinterest plugin.

The plugin provides users with a custom WordPress admin area where they can manage their Pinterest site.

To create a Pinterest site on WordPress, first install the Pinterest plugin. After the plugin is installed, visit the plugin’s admin area and click the “Create A Pinterest Site” button. In the “Site Name” field, enter a name for your Pinterest site. In the “Description” field, enter a brief description of your Pinterest site. In the “Site URL” field, enter the URL for your Pinterest site. In the “Server Address” field, enter the address of your WordPress site.

In the “Port” field, enter the port number for your WordPress site. In the “Database Name” field, enter the name of your WordPress database. In the “User Name” field, enter the username for your WordPress site. In the “Password” field, enter the password for your WordPress site. In the “Confirm Password” field, enter the password again to confirm it. Click the “Create Site” button.

Once the Pinterest site is created, you can visit it in the WordPress admin area. To add a Pinterest pin to a post or page, click the “Pin It” button next to the post or page. To add a Pinterest board to a blog, click the “Create Board” button next to the blog.

To add a Pinterest pin to a board, click the “Pin It” button next to the board.