How Do I Change the WooCommerce Logo in WordPress?

If you want to change the WooCommerce logo in WordPress, there are a few things you can do. First, you’ll need to login to your WooCommerce account and visit the Settings page.

Under the WooCommerce logo heading, you’ll find a link to the Logo Settings page. Here, you can change the logo and color.

If you just want to change the logo, you can use the included image editor to make the change. However, if you want to change the color as well, you’ll need to use a third-party plugin. The best option for this is the WooCommerce Logo Color plugin. Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, you’ll need to visit the plugin’s settings page.

Here, you’ll find a list of colors you can use for the logo and background. Simply select the color you want and the plugin will automatically apply it to your WooCommerce logo.

Finally, if you want to keep the existing WooCommerce logo, but change the color, you can use a plugin like Colorful Logo. This plugin allows you to change the color, font, and size of the WooCommerce logo.

Here, you’ll find a list of colors you can use for the logo.