How Do I Change the Submit Button in WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage their own websites. The Submit button on a WordPress site allows users to submit content to WordPress’ backend for publishing.

Users can change the submit button in WordPress by following these steps:

1. Log into your WordPress site.

2. Click the “Appearance” tab in the admin area.

3. Click the “Settings” button in the Appearance section.

4. Click the “Editor” tab in the Settings area.

5. Click the “Submit” button in the Editor section.

6. Change the text in the “Submit button text” field.

7. Click the “Save Changes” button.

8. Click the “Activate” button to save your changes.

9. Click the “Back to Posts” button to return to the posts screen.

10. Click the “Publish” button to publish your post.


Changing the submit button in WordPress is a simple task that allows users to customize the submission process for their content.