How Do I Change the Subheading in WordPress?

Changing the Subheading in WordPress

If you want to change the subheading in WordPress, there are a few ways you can do it. You can go to the WordPress admin area, and select the “Headings” menu item.

There, you can change the heading’s name, description, and position. You can also use the “Add New Heading” button to create a new heading, and set its properties.

If you want to change the heading for a particular post, you can use the post’s “Edit” menu item, and select “Headings.” There, you can change the heading’s name, description, and position.

You can also use the “Add New Heading” button to create a new heading, and set its properties.

If you want to change the heading for an entire blog, you can use the “Site Settings” menu item, and select “Headings.

Finally, you can use the “Customize” menu item, and select “Headings.