How Do I Change the Root Directory in WordPress?

Changing the WordPress root directory is a common task for site administrators. A root directory is the top level directory of a WordPress installation.

It contains the WordPress files, as well as any custom files you may have created.

To change the WordPress root directory, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress site using the username and password you created when you installed WordPress.

2. Go to the “Settings” menu and click on the “Site” tab.

3. In the “Site Settings” section, under “General”, click on the “Root Directory” button.

4. On the “Root Directory” page, you’ll see a list of directories that WordPress can use as its root directory.

Click on the “My Documents” directory to change the root directory to that location.

5. Click on the “Update Files” button to save your changes.

6. Click on the “Back to Posts” link at the top of the page to return to your posts.

7. Congratulations! You have changed the WordPress root directory.