How Do I Change the Picture That Displays When I Share My Website Link WordPress?

Changing the Picture That Displays When You Share a Website Link on WordPress

For many WordPress users, the default share image that appears when you share a website link on social media or via email is not the best looking or most representative image of their website. In this article, we’ll show you how to change the picture that WordPress displays when you share a website link.

To change the share image on WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Open your WordPress admin panel.

2. Click on the “Posts” menu item in the admin panel.

3. Click on the post or page you want to change the share image for.

4. On the “Posts” page for the post or page, click on the “Sharing” tab.

5. Under the “Sharing” tab, click on the “Share Image” button.

6. On the “Share Image” screen, click on the “Upload” button.

7. Click on the “Browse” button.

8. Locate the picture you want to use as the share image for the post or page.

9. Click on the picture to select it.

10. Click on the “Choose File” button.

11. Click on the “Upload” button.

12. Click on the “OK” button.

13. Click on the “Publish” button.

14. Congratulations! You’ve changed the share image for the post or page.