How Do I Change the Mobile View on My WordPress Site?

There are a few ways to change the mobile view on your WordPress site. The easiest way is to go to your site’s settings and look for the “Mobile” tab. There, you can change the view to “Grid” or “List.” If you want to change the view to “Grid,” you’ll need to disable “Responsive Display” and then set the width and height of the grid to your desired size.

If you want to change the view to “List,” you’ll need to disable “Responsive Display” and then set the width and height of the list to your desired size. Once you’ve made your changes, you can click on the “Live Preview” button to see how your site will look on different devices.

When you’re ready to publish your changes, you can click on the “Publish” button and then click on the “Mobile” tab. On the “Mobile” tab, you’ll need to select the “Grid” or “List” view that you want to use and then click on the “Publish” button.

The final step is to go to your site’s “Stats” tab and click on the “Mobile” tab. On the “Mobile” tab, you’ll see how many people have viewed your site on different devices and how many people have left comments.

You can also click on the “Live Preview” button to see how your site will look on different devices.
