How Do I Change the Media Permalink in WordPress?

In this article, we are going to show you how to change the media permalink in WordPress. By default, the media permalink in WordPress is the URL of the image or video that you have uploaded to your blog.

However, you may want to change this to something more meaningful, such as a description of the image or video.

To change the media permalink in WordPress, you will first need to open your WordPress blog’s admin area. Then, head over to the Media section and click on the Edit Media Permalink button.

On the Media Permalink Settings page, you will need to enter a new media permalink. You can use any text you want for this, but we recommend using a descriptive title.

After you have entered the new media permalink, click on the Save button.

Now, your media permalink will be updated with the new description. You can also change the media permalink for any existing images or videos by clicking on the Edit Media Permalink button and entering a new description.