How Do I Change the Maximum Upload File Size for 2 MB in WordPress?

Uploading large files can be a pain in WordPress. You can change the maximum upload file size for 2 MB in WordPress, but it’s not always easy to find. Here are some tips:

1. Use a plugin.

There are a number of plugins that allow you to change the maximum upload file size in WordPress. The best option is likely to use a plugin that integrates with WordPress core.

This means that the plugin will automatically update whenever WordPress updates, so you’ll always have the latest version.

2. Use FTP.

If you don’t want to use a plugin, you can also change the maximum upload file size in WordPress by using FTP. First, you’ll need to find the WordPress configuration file. This file is located in the WordPress root folder (usually at wp-content/plugins/). The maximum upload file size setting is usually found in the wp-config.

php file. To change the setting, you’ll need to find the line that defines the maximum upload file size and change the value.

3. Use a hosting provider with unlimited storage.

If you don’t want to change the maximum upload file size in WordPress or you don’t have access to FTP or a plugin, your last option is to use a hosting provider with unlimited storage. This option may be more difficult to find, but it’s a viable solution if you need to upload large files.