How Do I Change the Layout Grid in WordPress?

Adding a grid to your WordPress posts and pages can help organize your content and improve the presentation of your site. There are a few different ways to add a grid to your site, but the easiest way is to use the WordPress customizer.

To change the layout grid in WordPress: 1. Open the WordPress customizer by clicking on the Customize link on the main toolbar. .

2. In the Customize window, click on the Layout tab.

3. Under the Grid section, click on the Add New button.

4. In the New Layout Grid dialog, enter a name for your grid (e.

g. Posts) and select the View in List view option.

5. Click on the OK button to save your changes. You will now see your new layout grid in the Posts section of the customizer.

To change the layout grid for a specific post or page: 1. Click on the post or page you want to customize. In the content area, click on the toolbar icon with three lines (…) and select the Layout option. Under the Grid section, click on the Page Layout tab. Under the Layout Grid section, click on the Edit button.

5. In the Edit Layout Grid dialog, enter a name for your grid (e.

6. You will now see your new layout grid in the Posts section of the post or page.

To change the layout grid for all posts and pages: 1. Click on the Posts or Pages link on the main toolbar. In the Posts or Pages section, click on the Edit link for the grid you want to customize.


You will now see your new layout grid in the Posts or Pages section of the site.