How Do I Change the Header Tag in WordPress?

In most cases, you can change the header tag in WordPress by going to the Appearance > Header section of your WordPress admin screen and selecting the header you would like to change. You can also change header tags using the WordPress codex.

Once you have selected the header you would like to change, you will need to find the appropriate entry in the WordPress codex for header tags. In the following example, we are changing the header tag for the Single Post/Page header to be “single.”

The following is an excerpt from the WordPress codex about header tags:

“The header tag is the


range for each post or page. To change the header for all posts on a site, set the header tag to “site-header.

” To change the header for all posts on a specific page, set the header tag to the page’s slug (for example, “single”).

To change the header for a specific post, use the post’s ID as the value for the header tag. For example, to change the header for the first post on the site, use “1.”

To change the header for all posts on a specific page, use the page’s slug as the value for the header tag. For example, to change the header for the first post on the “single” page, use “single/1.”

To change the header for all posts on a specific blog, use the blog’s ID as the value for the header tag. For example, to change the header for all posts on the “blog.

example” blog, use “blog.example/1.”.

To change the header for all posts on a specific blog on a specific page, use the blog’s ID and the page’s slug as the values for the header tag.

example” blog on the “single” page, use “blog.example/1/single.

To change the header for all posts on a specific blog on a specific post, use the blog’s ID and the post’s ID as the values for the header tag.

example” blog on the “single” post with ID “1,” use “blog.example/1/1.

To change the header for all posts on a specific blog on the home page, use the blog’s ID and the home page’s slug as the values for the header tag.

example” blog on the home page, use “blog.example/1/.

To change the header for all posts on a specific blog on all pages, use the blog’s ID and the all page slug as the values for the header tag.

example” blog on all pages, use “blog.example/1/all.

To change the header for all posts on all blogs, use the blog’s ID and the all blog slug as the values for the header tag. For example, to change the header for all posts on all blogs, use “blog.


You can also use the “site-header” header tag to change the header for all posts on the site. To do this, set the header tag to “site-header.”

For more information about header tags, see the WordPress codex.”

So, in conclusion, to change the header tag in WordPress, go to the Appearance > Header section of your WordPress admin screen and select the header you would like to change.

Once you have selected the header you would like to change, find the appropriate entry in the WordPress codex for header tags.