How Do I Change the Font on My Header in WordPress?

Fonts are one of the most important aspects of any website, and WordPress is no exception. Depending on the theme you are using, you may be able to change the font on your header using a few simple steps.

To change the font on your WordPress header, first open your theme’s functions.php file.

This file is located in the root of your WordPress installation, and it contains all of the code that controls your site’s functionality.

Once you have opened the functions.php file, look for the line that reads:

‘header_font’ => ‘default’,

and replace it with the following:

‘header_font’ => ‘custom’,

This line tells WordPress which font to use for the header on your site. Now, you need to create a custom header font file.

This file will contain the font information for your header, and you can locate it anywhere on your computer.

Once you have created your custom header font file, you can upload it to your WordPress site using any means you prefer. For example, you can upload it to your web server using a FTP client, or you can use the WordPress file upload function to upload it to your WordPress site.

Once you have uploaded your custom header font file, you need to add it to your WordPress site’s header. To do this, open your WordPress site’s header file (usually located at wp-content/themes/your_theme/header.php), and locate the line that reads:

‘header_image’ => ”,

‘header_image’ => ‘your_custom_header_font.png’,

This line tells WordPress to use your custom header font file as the header image. Now, you are ready to change the font on your header!

To change the font on your header, first open your WordPress site’s header file (usually located at wp-content/themes/your_theme/header.php), and locate the line that reads:.