How Do I Change the Domain of My WordPress Multisite?

Changing the Domain of a WordPress Multisite

If you want to change the domain of a WordPress multisite, there are a few things you can do. First, you will need to login to the admin area of your multisite and go to the Settings menu.

Under General, you will find the Domain field. You can enter the new domain name here, and then click Update.

If you have a registered domain name, you can also use the DNS settings in your hosting account to change the domain name of your multisite. You will need to contact your hosting provider for more information.

Once you have changed the domain name, you will need to go to the Dashboard of each site in your multisite and update the Site Title field with the new domain name. You will also need to update the Site URL field with the new domain name.

Finally, you will need to update the Site Address field with the new domain name.

Finally, you will need to update the Terms of Service agreement for your multisite. You can find the Terms of Service agreement in the Files section of the admin area. Under the Terms of Service agreement, you will find the Change Site Domain section.

You will need to click on this section and enter the new domain name in the Domain field. You will also need to click on the Save Changes button to save the changes to the Terms of Service agreement.