How Do I Change the Domain Name of My WordPress Database?

Changing the Domain Name of Your WordPress Database

WordPress is a popular content management system that allows users to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. The WordPress database is a file that stores all of the information used by WordPress to manage a website.

When you change the domain name of your website, you need to change the name of the WordPress database as well.

To change the domain name of your website, you first need to find the current domain name. You can do this by visiting the website’s domain name registration page, or by using a domain name search engine.

Once you have the domain name, you can use the domain name registration form to change the domain name to the new one.

Once you have changed the domain name, you need to change the name of the WordPress database. You can do this by using the wp-config.php file. The wp-config.

php file is located in the root of your WordPress installation, and it contains information about your website. The name of the WordPress database is listed in the database section of the file. To change the name of the WordPress database, you need to change the name of the database section.

To change the name of the database section, you need to use a text editor to edit the file. The most common text editor used to edit files on a computer is the editor that is installed with Windows, known as the Windows Notepad.

If you are using a Mac or a Linux computer, the most common text editor is the editor that is installed with the operating system.

Once you have edited the file, you need to change the name of the database section to the new name. The name of the database section can be any name that you want, as long as it is unique within the file.

To change the name of the database section, you need to use the text editor to replace the old name with the new name.

Once you have changed the name of the database section, you need to save the file. You can do this by clicking the save button that is located near the top of the file.

The file will then be saved in the same location as the file is located on your computer.

Once the file has been saved, you need to test the change by restarting the WordPress website. You can do this by clicking the blue button that is located near the top of the WordPress website.

The website will then be restarted, and you will be able to see the new name of the WordPress database.

Once you have tested the change, you can finalize the change by restarting the website once again.

The website will then be restarted, and the new name of the WordPress database will be active.


Changing the domain name of your website is a simple process that requires only a few minutes of work. You can change the domain name of your website by using a domain name search engine, by using the website’s domain name registration page, or by using a text editor to edit the wp-config. Once you have changed the domain name, you need to change the name of the WordPress database. To change the name of the database section, you need to use the text editor to replace the old name with the new name. Once you have changed the name of the database section, you need to save the file. The file will then be saved in the same location as the file is located on your computer.

Once the file has been saved, you need to test the change by restarting the WordPress website. The website will then be restarted, and you will be able to see the new name of the WordPress database. Once you have tested the change, you can finalize the change by restarting the website once again. The website will then be restarted, and the new name of the WordPress database will be active.