How Do I Change the Background Color of My Mobile Menu in WordPress?

Changing the background color of your WordPress mobile menu can be a bit of a challenge. If you’re using a plugin or facility that adds the menu to your site automatically, then you may not have direct control over the color.

In most cases, you’ll need to edit the CSS file that includes the menu code. Here’s how to do it:.

1. Open your site’s style.

css file in a text editor.

2. Find the line that includes the code for your menu, and change the background color to whatever you want.

3. Save your changes and reload your site.

The new background color should be visible in the mobile menu.

If you’re not using a plugin or facility to add your menu, then you’ll need to edit the HTML code for your menu. This is usually located at the bottom of your page, just above the closing body tag. Here’s how to change the background color:

1. Find the tag, and inside of it, find the

tag that contains your menu. Change the background color of this
to the color you want it to be.

Finally, if you want to disable the mobile menu altogether, you can do so by removing the menu from your site altogether.