How Do I Change the Author of a WordPress Post?

Changing the author of a WordPress post can be done through the post editing interface or through the WordPress admin panel. To edit the author of a post, go to the post’s details page and click on the “Author” link in the header. This will take you to the author’s profile page where you can edit the author’s name and email address. You can also change the author’s role on a post by clicking on the “Roles” link in the header and selecting the role that you want to assign to the author.

To change the author of a post through the WordPress admin panel, go to the “Posts” tab and click on the post that you want to edit. This will take you to the post’s details page where you can find the “Author” link in the header. You can edit the author’s name and email address here, and you can also change the author’s role on a post by clicking on the “Roles” link in the header and selecting the role that you want to assign to the author.