How Do I Change Permissions on a WordPress Site?

When you first set up your WordPress site, you probably gave yourself permission to access and make changes to the files and folders on your computer. But what if you want to give someone else permission to access your WordPress site?

There are a few different ways to change permissions on a WordPress site.

The simplest way is to use the wp_user_role() function. This function will return a list of user roles that the current user is assigned to.

To give someone else permission to access your WordPress site, you would use the wp_user_role() function to assign them a role that corresponds to their account level.

Another way to change permissions on a WordPress site is to use the wp_set_permissions() function. This function will take a list of permissions that you want to grant to a specific user or group, and will change the permissions for the current user or group.

The final way to change permissions on a WordPress site is to use the wp_create_user() function. This function will create a new user account on your WordPress site, and will give that user the permissions you specify.