How Do I Change My WordPress URL in MySQL?

Changing a WordPress URL in MySQL can be done by either editing the wp-config.php file or using the WordPress admin panel.

Changing the URL in MySQL will update the address that WordPress redirects to when a user attempts to visit a post or page that is not found on the new URL. The old URL will still work while the new URL is being propagated throughout the WordPress site.

To change a WordPress URL in MySQL:

1. In the WordPress admin panel, go to Settings > General > URLs.
2. Under the “URLs” tab, enter the new URL for your WordPress site.
3. Click the “Update” button to save the new URL.

4. The old URL will continue to work while the new URL is being propagated throughout the WordPress site.
5. If you want to permanently change the URL for your WordPress site, you can edit the wp-config.php file. To do this, open the file in a text editor and enter the new URL for your WordPress site.