How Do I Change My WordPress Slug URL?

Changing your WordPress slug (URL) is a relatively quick and easy process. The steps are as follows:

1. Log into your WordPress admin panel.

2. Under “Posts,” click on the post or page you wish to edit.

3. On the ” slug ” field, you will see a long string of numbers and letters.

This is your WordPress slug.

4. To change your slug, simply replace the numbers and letters in the slug with a new, more descriptive name.

Be sure to use only alphanumeric characters and no spaces.

5. Click on the “Update” button to save your changes.

6. You will now see your new slug in all of your posts and pages.

7. If you ever wish to revert your changes, simply repeat the steps above and replace the new slug with the old slug.

Changing your WordPress slug is a simple way to improve the organization of your blog posts and make it easier for search engines to find your content. Be sure to take the time to change your slug if you want your blog to stand out among your competition.