How Do I Change My WordPress Password phpMyAdmin?

If you have forgotten your WordPress password, or if you would like to change it, there are several methods you can use.

One way is to use the WordPress login screen to enter your username and password. If you have not logged in for a while, WordPress will ask you to log in again before allowing you to change your password.

If you have forgotten your username, you can try to find it on the WordPress website. If you have forgotten your password, you can try to find it in the WordPress database by using the phpMyAdmin interface.

To change your WordPress password using phpMyAdmin, first open the phpMyAdmin interface. Then, click on the “Users” tab, and select the user you want to change your password for.

Next, click on the “Passwords” tab, and enter your new password in the “Password” field. Finally, click on the “Update” button to save your changes.