How Do I Change My WordPress Login Without Plugin?

If you are not happy with your current WordPress login, there are a few ways to change it without using a plugin.

The first way is to go to your WordPress dashboard, click on “Settings,” and then click on “Profile.” Under “Login,” you can enter your username and password.

If you have a account, you can also enter your username and password there.

The second way to change your WordPress login is to use the WordPress admin panel. To do this, go to your website’s root directory and open the wp-config.php file.

In this file, you will need to find the line that says “define(‘WP_USERNAME’, ‘username’);” and replace it with your new username. You can also change the password if you want.

The final way to change your WordPress login is to use the wp-login.

This file is located in the same directory as your WordPress installation. You can use this file to create a new login screen for your website.