How Do I Change My WordPress Login Panel?

If you want to change your WordPress login panel, there are a few different ways to go about it. The most common way is to edit your wp-config.

php file. However, if you want to keep your current login panel, you can also use a plugin or a custom theme.

To change your WordPress login panel, first open your wp-config.php file. Then, look for the line that says:

define( ‘WP_LOGIN_PANEL’, ‘mypanel’ );

Replace mypanel with the name of the new login panel. You can also use a plugin to do this for you.

For example, the WP Security Plugin lets you change your login panel.

If you want to keep your current login panel, you can also use a custom theme. To do this, you’ll need to find the file that contains your login panel.

Usually, this file is located in the themes folder of your WordPress installation. Once you find this file, you can edit it to change the name of your login panel.