How Do I Change My WordPress Editor to Block?

If you want to block content on your WordPress site, there are a few ways to go about it. You can use a plugin, you can use a filter in your theme, or you can use a custom function in your WordPress code.

This guide will show you how to use a custom function to block content on your WordPress site.

First, you will need to create a custom function in your WordPress code. To do this, open your WordPress code editor and locate the function template in the wp-includes folder.

Next, click on the “edit functions” button near the top of the screen and select “new function”.

In the “function name” field, enter the name of the function you will be creating. In the “function description” field, you will need to provide a brief description of the function.

Next, in the “returns” field, you will need to specify the parameters that the function will take.

The first parameter that the function will need is the string “content”. This is the string that you will use to specify the content that you want to block.

Next, you will need to specify the string “allow”. This is the string that will be used to allow the content to be displayed on the site.

Finally, you will need to specify the string “block”. This is the string that will be used to block the content from being displayed on the site.

Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the “save function” button to save the function.

Now, you can use the function to block specific content on your WordPress site. To do this, first enter the content that you want to block into the content field.

Next, enter the allow string into the allow field. Finally, enter the block string into the block field.

Now, the content will be blocked from being displayed on the site. You can modify the function to block different types of content if needed.