How Do I Change My WordPress Admin Page?

When you first set up your WordPress site, you likely created a default admin page that includes information like the site’s name and the username and password for logging in. If you want to change the admin page, there are a few different ways to do it.

The easiest way to change your admin page is to go to your WordPress site’s Settings page, click on the ‘Admin’ tab, and then select the ‘Default Admin Page’ option from the dropdown menu. You can also change your admin page directly on your WordPress site by clicking on the ‘Admin’ link on the top right corner of your site’s main page and selecting the ‘Default Admin Page’ option from the menu that appears.

If you want to change your admin page without going through the Settings page, you can use the wp_admin_menu() function to add a new menu item to your WordPress site’s admin page. To do this, you’ll first need to find the wp_admin_menu() function in your WordPress site’s code. The wp_admin_menu() function is located in the wp-includes/admin-header.

php file, and it’s located near the bottom of the file. The wp_admin_menu() function takes three arguments: the name of the new menu item, the parent menu item (if there is one), and the text for the menu item’s title. To add a new admin page menu item, you would type the following code into your WordPress site’s code:.

wp_admin_menu(‘Default Admin Page’, ‘My Site’, ‘Admin Menu Item Title’);

Once you’ve added the code to your site’s code, you’ll need to create a new menu item in your WordPress admin page’s admin section. To do this, click on the ‘Admin’ link on the top right corner of your site’s main page and select the ‘Menus’ option from the menu that appears.

Then, click on the ‘Add a new menu item’ button and type ‘Default Admin Page’ into the text field that appears. You can then click on the ‘Create’ button to add the new menu item to your site’s admin page.

Once you’ve added the code to your site’s code and created the new menu item, you’ll need to change the text for the menu item’s title. To do this, click on the ‘Admin’ link on the top right corner of your site’s main page and select the ‘Appearance’ option from the menu that appears.

Then, click on the ‘Menu titles’ tab and change the text for the ‘Default Admin Page’ menu item to something more appropriate.

Finally, you’ll need to add a link to the new menu item from your WordPress site’s main page. To do this, click on the ‘Admin’ link on the top right corner of your site’s main page and select the ‘Links’ option from the menu that appears.

Then, click on the ‘Add a new link’ button and type the URL for the new menu item into the text field that appears. You can then click on the ‘Create’ button to add the new link to your site’s main page.

Once you’ve added the code to your site’s code and created the new menu item, changed the text for the menu item’s title, and added a link to the new menu item, you’re ready to change your admin page. To do this, click on the link that you added to your site’s main page and select the ‘Default Admin Page’ menu item from the menu that appears.

You’ll then be able to access the admin page that you created when you first set up your WordPress site.

Depending on the way that you set up your WordPress site, you may also be able to change your admin page using the WordPress admin toolbar. The WordPress admin toolbar is a toolbar that’s located on the left side of the WordPress site’s main page. To change your admin page using the WordPress admin toolbar, you’ll first need to open the WordPress admin toolbar by clicking on the ‘Admin’ link on the top right corner of your site’s main page and selecting the ‘Tools’ option from the menu that appears.

Then, click on the ‘Default Admin Page’ menu item from the menu that appears. You’ll then be able to access the admin page that you created when you first set up your WordPress site.