How Do I Change My Style CSS in WordPress?

The first step in changing your WordPress style is finding the style you want to change. This can be difficult because many of the style files are buried in the wp-content or wp-config.php files.

To find a style, you can use the w3 Total Cache plugin to view all of the resources that have been used to render a page. The plugin also provides a Style Inspector to easily change style values.

Once you have found the style you want to change, the next step is to identify the style rule you want to change. A style rule is a set of instructions that tell the WordPress style engine how to render a particular element on a page. To change a style rule, you need to find the relevant style file and edit it.

In most cases, you will find the style file in the wp-content or wp-config.

Once you have edited the style file, you need to restart the WordPress style engine to apply the changes. To do this, you can use the wp-config.

php file or the w3 Total Cache plugin. If you are using the w3 Total Cache plugin, you will also need to reload the page.