How Do I Change My Domain Mapping in WordPress?

Changing your domain mapping in WordPress is a fairly simple process. To do it, first open your WordPress admin area and go to the “configuration” tab.

Under “site”, you’ll see a list of all the domains you have registered with WordPress. To change your domain mapping, just click on the domain you want to change it for and click on the “edit” link next to it.

Once you’re in the domain editing page, you’ll see a list of all the posts and pages on your site. Under “site content”, you’ll see a list of all the posts and pages on your site that are using the domain you’ve selected as their domain.

To change a post or page’s domain, just click on the post or page you want to change it for and click on the “edit” link next to it.

Next, you’ll see a list of all the domains that are associated with that post or page. To change a domain, just select the new domain from the list and click on the “update” button.

WordPress will then update the post or page with the new domain.

Finally, you’ll see a summary of the changes that were made. If everything went smoothly, you should now have the post or page using the new domain.

If not, there may be some leftover changes you need to make. To fix any problems, just click on the “revert” button and WordPress will undo all the changes you made.

When you’re finished, just click on the “save” button and WordPress will save your changes.