How Do I Change Menu Effects in WordPress?

Menu effects are a popular way to customize the appearance of menus in WordPress. Unfortunately, changing menu effects can be a bit of a challenge, because the effects are stored in a custom plugin.

Fortunately, there are several ways to customize menu effects in WordPress without resorting to third-party plugins.

To change menu effects in WordPress, first open the Appearance section of the WordPress admin area and click on the Menus tab. This will open the Menu page, which contains all the menu options.

To change the menu effect, first select the menu item you want to modify. Then, click on the Effects tab.

This will open the Effects page, which contains all the available menu effects.

To select an effect, first click on the name of the effect. This will open the Effect Details page, which contains information about the effect, such as the name of the file that contains the effect and the settings for the effect.

Next, choose the settings you want to use for the effect. This will open the Effect Settings page, which contains information about the settings, such as the name of the file that contains the effect and the settings for the effect.

Finally, click on the Save Settings button to save your changes.