How Do I Change Media Folder in WordPress?

If you want to change the media folder in WordPress, there are a few different ways to go about it. The easiest way is to go to your WordPress admin area and look for the Media section.

Here, you’ll find a list of all of your media files, along with some information about each file.

If you want to change the folder where WordPress stores your media files, you can use the Media Library Customizer plugin. This plugin lets you customize the location and name of your media folder, as well as the file types that WordPress should store there.

Once you’ve configured the Media Library Customizer plugin, you can go to the Media section of your WordPress admin area and click on the Settings button. This will open the Media Library Settings screen, where you can set the new folder location and name.

Finally, you can use the Media Library Import/Export plugin to move your media files to a new location. This plugin lets you export your media files from the current media folder, and then import them into a new media folder.