How Do I Change a Static Menu to a Dynamic Menu in WordPress?

Dynamic menus allow users to choose items from a list by clicking on them. This eliminates the need to scroll through a long list of items.

Dynamic menus are often used on websites that have a lot of content.

To change a static menu to a dynamic menu in WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard.

2. Click on the “Menu” button at the top of the screen.

3. On the “Menu Options” screen, click on the “Dynamic Menu” button.

4. In the “Dynamic Menu Options” screen, set the “Menu Type” to “Dropdown.”

5. In the “Dropdown Menu Options” screen, set the “Menu Title” to “My Menu.”

6. In the “Select Menu Items” screen, set the “Menu Item Title” to “My Menu Item 1.”

7. In the “Select Menu Items” screen, set the “Menu Item Title” to “My Menu Item 2.”

8. In the “Select Menu Items” screen, set the “Menu Item Title” to “My Menu Item 3.”

9. In the “Select Menu Items” screen, set the “Menu Item Title” to “My Menu Item 4.”

10. Click on the “Save Changes” button.

11. Your dynamic menu should now be ready to use.


Changing a static menu to a dynamic menu in WordPress is easy. By following these steps, you should be able to create a menu that is more user-friendly.