How Do I Backup My WordPress Site to Local Computer?

Backup your WordPress site to local computer

If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for ways to save your website and data in case of a disaster. Luckily, backing up your WordPress site is easy and can be done in a few simple steps.

To backup your WordPress site, first make sure you have a copy of your site’s files saved on your local computer. You can either copy the entire WordPress site folder or just the files and folders within it. Once you have the files saved, follow these steps to backup your site:

1. Log into your WordPress site.

2. In the main menu, click on “Settings.”

3. Under “Backup and Security,” click on the “Backup” button.

4. On the “Backup Now” screen, click on the “Local Files” button.

5. On the “Select Files to Back Up” screen, select the files and folders you want to backup.

6. Click on the “Back Up” button.

7. When the backup is finished, click on the “Close” button.

8. Copy the backup files to a safe location on your local computer.

Now that you’ve backed up your WordPress site, you can rest assured that your site will be safe in the event of a disaster. If you ever have any questions or problems backing up your site, be sure to consult the WordPress help center.