How Do I Backup My WordPress Org Site?

Backup your WordPress site regularly. A backup can be a full or incremental backup of your WordPress site. A full backup copies all of your posts, pages, images, and other files. An incremental backup only copies files that have changed since the last backup.

Make sure to back up your site on different media, such as a external hard drive, CD, or DVD. If your site is hacked, you can restore your site from a backup.

To create a backup, click the Backup button on the WordPress admin panel. This will open the Backup WordPress Site dialog box.

In the Backup Site dialog box, you can choose to backup all posts, all pages, a specific category, or only selected posts or pages. You can also choose to create an incremental backup, which will only backup posts and pages that have been changed since the last backup.

To restore a backup, click the Restore button on the WordPress admin panel. This will open the Restore WordPress Site dialog box.

In the Restore WordPress Site dialog box, you can choose to restore a full backup, an incremental backup, or a backup created using the Backup button on the WordPress admin panel.