How Do I Backup and Restore My WordPress Site?

Backup and restore your WordPress site can be a daunting task if you don’t have a plan. There are several ways to backup your site: using a plugin, using a standard WordPress backup plugin, using the wp-cli, or using the wp-backup plugin.

Once you have the backup, you can restore it to a new or old server using one of the many backup restoration plugins.

Plugin-based backUPS are the easiest to set up and use, but they won’t include all of your data. Standard WordPress backUPS will include all your content, but they won’t include your settings or modifications.

The wp-cli and wp-backup plugins include all of your data, but they can be more involved to set up.

Restoring a backup is as simple as copying the backup files to the server and activating the plugin. Most restoration plugins will walk you through the process, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the backup files are in the same location on the server as the WordPress site.

Second, make sure that the site is up and running before restoring the backup. Finally, be sure to test the restore before you go live.

The best way to backup and restore your WordPress site is to use a plugin and to test the restore before going live.