How Do I Audit WordPress Plugins?

Auditing Plugins

When it comes to WordPress plugins, it is important to be able to audit them to make sure they are up to date, functioning, and compliant with the WordPress guidelines. There are a number of ways to audit a plugin, and the most important part is to use a method that is reliable and consistent.

One way to audit a plugin is to use the plugin’s plugin directory to view the files and folders. This can be done by going to the plugin directory on the server where the plugin is installed, and then using a file explorer such as FileZilla to navigate to the plugin’s folder.

Once in the plugin folder, you can view the files and folders by opening a command prompt and then entering the following command:


This command will list all of the files and folders in the current directory. To view the files and folders for a specific plugin, you can use the following command:

dir plugin_name

If you want to view the files for a specific plugin version, you can use the following command:

dir plugin_name -v

You can also use the wp plugin inspect command to inspect the files and folders for a specific plugin. This command can be used to view the file contents, the license information, the required files, and the permissions for the plugin.

Another way to audit a plugin is to use the WordPress plugin checker. This tool can be used to scan the plugin for common issues, such as missing files, incorrect file permissions, and violations of the WordPress guidelines.

Once you have determined that a plugin is defective, you can remove it from the server by using the remove plugin command. Alternatively, you can use the disable plugin command to temporarily disable the plugin.

If you are auditing a plugin for compliance with the WordPress guidelines, you can use the audit plugin command to run the plugin through the WordPress plugin checker. This will help you to identify any issues with the plugin.

Finally, you can use the report plugin command to generate a report about the plugin. This report can include information about the plugin, the files and folders it contains, the permissions it has been granted, and the issues that were identified during the audit process.

Overall, it is important to use a reliable and consistent method to audit a plugin. This will help you to ensure that the plugin is up to date, compliant, and functioning.