How Do I Apply a WordPress Theme to a Page?

WordPress themes can be applied to individual pages, posts, or entire websites. To apply a WordPress theme to a page, follow these steps:

1) Log in to your WordPress site.

2) Click on the “Pages” menu item.

3) Click on the page you want to theme.

4) On the “Theming” tab, click on “Install a Theme.”

5) Select the WordPress theme you want to apply to the page.

6) Click on “Install.”

7) The theme will be installed and you will be taken to the “Theming” tab of the page.

8) Click on “Customize.”

9) On the “Customize” tab, click on “Themes.”

10) Select the WordPress theme you applied to the page in the “Themes” dropdown.

11) Click on “Apply.”

12) The changes will be applied to the page.

13) Click on the “Back to Page” button to return to the page.