How Do I Allow Comments on a WordPress Page?

Comments are an important part of any discussion forum or blog. They help people learn more about a topic, and they can also be used to offer constructive criticism.

To allow comments on a WordPress page, you first need to enable comments on your page. To do this, go to the dashboard, click on the page you want to comment on, and then click on the “Comments” tab.

On the “Comments” tab, you will see a button that says “Enable Comments.” Click on the button to enable comments on your page.

Once you have enabled comments on your page, you will need to set up a comment system. WordPress provides a built-in comment system, but you can also use a third-party comment system if you want.

To set up a third-party comment system, go to the “Comments” tab and click on the “Add New” button. On the “Add New Comment” form, you will need to provide a name for your comment system, a description of your comment system, and a URL where users can sign in to comment on your page.

Once you have set up your comment system, you will need to enable comments on your page. To do this, go to the “Comments” tab and click on the “Enable Comments” button.

On the “Enable Comments” form, you will need to provide a name for your comment system and a password for your comment system. Once you have enabled comments on your page, you are ready to start accepting comments.