How Do I Add Terms and Conditions to Checkbox in WordPress?

Adding Terms and Conditions to a checkbox in WordPress is simple. You just need to add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function mytheme_checkbox_terms() {

$terms = array(

‘name’ => ‘Your Name’,

‘description’ => ‘Your Description’,

‘conditions’ => array(

‘displayed’ => true,



return apply_filters( ‘mytheme_checkbox_terms’, $terms );


The code above will create an associative array of key/value pairs for the checkbox. The keys are “name”, “description”, and “conditions”. The values for these keys are arrays.

The first array contains the name of the checkbox and the second array contains the description of the checkbox and the third array contains the conditions for the checkbox. The “displayed” key is set to true by default and will be used to determine whether or not the checkbox should be displayed on the front-end of your website.