How Do I Add Space Around an Image in WordPress?

Adding space around an image in WordPress can be done in a couple of different ways. One way is to use the wp_image_tag() function to add a src attribute to the img tag, with a value that tells WordPress where to find the image file.

The second way is to use the WP_IMAGE_WIDTH and WP_IMAGE_HEIGHT constants to set the desired width and height of the space around the image, in pixels.

One downside to using the src attribute is that it requires knowledge of the image file location. Using the WP_IMAGE_WIDTH and WP_IMAGE_HEIGHT constants, on the other hand, is more generic, and can be used with any image in the theme.

However, this approach can be less flexible, as the space around the image can be limited to a certain width or height.

Ultimately, whichever method you choose, it is important to be aware of the restrictions imposed by WordPress, in order to ensure that the space around your images is set to the correct dimensions.