How Do I Add Social Share Buttons to WordPress?

Adding social share buttons to your WordPress posts and pages is a simple process. The first step is to add a custom post type to your blog.

Once you have created the post type, you will need to add the social media buttons to your posts and pages.

To add a social media button to a post or page, first open the post or page in your editor. On the left-hand side of the editor, under the “Appearance” tab, you will see “Social Media Buttons.

” To add a social media button, click on the “Add a social media button” link.

On the “Add a social media button” form, you will need to provide the following information:

1. The Twitter handle or Twitter profile ID of the social media account you want to add the button to.

2. The Facebook fan page or Facebook profile ID of the social media account you want to add the button to.

3. The Google+ profile ID of the social media account you want to add the button to.

4. The RSS feed URL of the social media account you want to add the button to.

5. The URL of the post or page where you want the social media button to appear.

6. The size of the social media button (in pixels).

7. The color of the social media button.

8. The text of the social media button.

9. The type of social media button (either “Twitter” or “Facebook”).

10. The privacy setting for the social media button.

11. The language of the social media button.

12. The button’s filename.

13. The button’s location.

14. The type of content the social media button will appear with.

15. The button’s “active” state.

16. The button’s “disabled” state.

17. The button’s “checked” state.

18. The button’s “hover” state.

19. The button’s “active border” color.

20. The button’s “disabled border” color.

21. The button’s “checked border” color.

22. The button’s “hover border” color.

23. The button’s “disabled border radius” size.

24. The button’s “checked border radius” size.

25. The button’s “hover border radius” size.

26. The button’s “disabled border color” color.

27. The button’s “checked border color” color.

28. The button’s “hover border color” color.

29. The button’s “disabled corner” color.

30. The button’s “checked corner” color.

31. The button’s “hover corner” color.

32. The button’s “disabled anchor” text.

33. The button’s “checked anchor” text.

34. The button’s “hover anchor” text.

35. The button’s “disabled animation” type.

36. The button’s “checked animation” type.

37. The button’s “hover animation” type.

38. The button’s “disabled opacity” percentage.

39. The button’s “checked opacity” percentage.

40. The button’s “hover opacity” percentage.

41. The button’s “disabled color” color.

42. The button’s “checked color” color.

43. The button’s “hover color” color.

44. The button’s “disabled height” size.

45. The button’s “checked height” size.

46. The button’s “hover height” size.

47. The button’s “disabled width” size.

48. The button’s “checked width” size.

49. The button’s “hover width” size.

50. The button’s “disabled type” type.

51. The button’s “checked type” type.

52. The button’s “hover type” type.

53. The button’s “disabled width” size (px).

54. The button’s “checked width” size (px).

55. The button’s “hover width” size (px).

56. The button’s “disabled height” size (px).