How Do I Add Social Media Icons to WordPress Elementor Footer?

Adding social media icons to your WordPress Elementor footer is a great way to show your followers what you’re up to and connect with them on a more personal level. There are a few different ways you can add social media icons to your footer, depending on your needs.

If you just want a few icons to show on your footer, you can use the built-in WordPress functions to add them. To do this, go to the Footer area of your WordPress Elementor site, and click on the Add New Item button. In the Footer Item Settings area, enter the following information:

Item Name: Social Media Icons

Description: Add social media icons to your footer

Click on the Add button to add the icons to your footer. You can add as many icons as you want, and they will all appear in the same order.

If you want to show different icons on different pages of your site, you can use the WP_Footer_Social_Media_Icons plugin. This plugin allows you to create custom footer widgets for your site, with custom icons for each one.

To install the plugin, go to the Plugins area of your WordPress Elementor site, and click on the Add New Item button. In the Add New Plugin Area, enter the following information:.

Plugin Name: WP_Footer_Social_Media_Icons

Click on the Add button to add the plugin to your site. Once the plugin is installed, you can add a new widget to your footer by clicking on the Widgets area of your site, and then clicking on the Add New Item button. In the Add New Widget Area, enter the following information:

Widget Name: Social Media Icons

Click on the Add button to add the widget to your footer.

Once you’ve added the icons to your footer, you can use the built-in WordPress functions to add links to your social media accounts. In the Footer Item Settings area, enter the following information:

Item Name: Social Media Links

Description: Add links to your social media accounts

Click on the Add button to add the links to your social media accounts. You can add as many links as you want, and they will all appear in the same order.

You can also use the WP_Footer_Social_Media_Icons plugin to create custom footer widgets for your site. This plugin allows you to create custom footer widgets for your site, with custom links for each one.

Widget Name: Social Media Links

Click on the Add button to add the widget to your footer.

Once you’ve added the links to your social media accounts, you can use the built-in WordPress functions to display the links in your footer. In the Footer Item Settings area, enter the following information:

Description: Display links to your social media accounts

Description: Display.