How Do I Add Social Links in WordPress?

Adding social links to your WordPress blog is a quick and easy way to increase traffic and engagement. To add a social link, first log in to your WordPress blog and go to the Posts screen.

Select the post you want to add the social link to and click the Edit link next to the Social Media field.

In the Social Media field, you will see a list of all of the social media platforms your blog is connected to. To add a new social media platform, click the plus sign in the bottom right corner.

To add a link to a specific social media platform, enter the URL of the social media platform in the text field and click the Add link button.

To remove a social media platform from your blog, click the minus sign in the bottom right corner.

When you are finished adding social links, click the Save changes button.


Adding social links to your WordPress blog is a quick and easy way to increase traffic and engagement. By following these simple steps, you can add links to all of your favorite social media platforms.