How Do I Add Sass to WordPress?

Adding Sass to WordPress is a breeze. You can install the Sass compiler from the WordPress plugin repository, or use a third-party plugin such as Jetpack’s Advanced Custom Fields.

Once Sass is installed, you can add the following line to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file:.

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_script’, ‘my_sass_plugin’);

Now you can activate Sass by adding the following line to your theme’s style.css file:

@import “my_sass_plugin”;

If you want to use a different version of Sass than the one that WordPress currently supports, you can use the following line to load your own version:

@import “~your_sass_version”;

Finally, you can add any Sass styles you want to your style.css file.

To preview your changes, you can use the Sass built-in previewer.