How Do I Add Recommended Items to WordPress?

Adding recommended items to WordPress is simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to add a new function to your theme or plugin.

This function will take a list of items and return a list of corresponding WordPress Hooks.

Now, you’ll want to create a custom post type for your recommended items. To do this, open up your themes or plugins file and add the following line of code:


Next, you’ll want to add a custom taxonomy to your recommended items. To do this, open up your themes or plugins file and add the following line of code:


Finally, you’ll want to add a custom post type slug to your recommended items. To do this, open up your themes or plugins file and add the following line of code:


Now that you have your recommended items post type and taxonomy set up, you’ll need to add some content to it. To do this, open up your themes or plugins file and add the following code:

‘recommended’, ‘post_title’ => __(‘Recommended Items’), ‘post_author’ => ‘Your Name’, ‘post_date’ => ‘0000-00-00′, ‘category’ => ”, ‘status’ => ‘publish’, ‘ping_status’ => ‘publish’ ), ‘custom_post_type’); ?>

Now that you have your code set up, you’ll just need to add some recommended items to your blog. To do this, go to your recommended items post type and add some items.

Once you have your items added, you’ll just need to add a link to each one in your post. Finally, you’ll want to add a conclusion to your article about how to add recommended items to WordPress.


Adding recommended items to WordPress is easy, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to add a new function to your theme or plugin. This function will take a list of items and return a list of corresponding WordPress Hooks. Next, you’ll want to create a custom post type for your recommended items. To do this, open up your themes or plugins file and add the following line of code: post_type(‘recommended’); Next, you’ll want to add a custom taxonomy to your recommended items.

To do this, open up your themes or plugins file and add the following line of code: taxonomy(‘recommended’); Finally, you’ll want to add a custom post type slug to your recommended items. To do this, open up your themes or plugins file and add the following line of code: post_type_slug(‘recommended’); Now that you have your recommended items post type and taxonomy set up, you’ll just need to add some recommended items to your blog. Once you have your items added, you’ll just need to add a link to each one in your post.