How Do I Add reCAPTCHA to WordPress Comments?

Adding reCAPTCHA to WordPress comments can be a great way to help keep comments clean and spam-free. reCAPTCHA is a popular security tool that helps identify automated comments.

When a comment is flagged as automated, the system will ask you to provide a valid reCAPTCHA code. This will help keep comments clean and help ensure that only real people are participating in the discussion.

To add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress comments, follow these steps:

1. Open your WordPress comment form.

2. Click on the “Settings” tab.

3. Under “Security,” select “Enable reCAPTCHA.”

4. Enter your reCAPTCHA code into the “Code” field.

5. Click on the “Save Changes” button.

Now that reCAPTCHA has been added to your WordPress comments, make sure to keep them clean and spam-free!.