How Do I Add or Remove Capabilities to User Roles in WordPress?

Adding or removing capabilities to user roles in WordPress can be done in a few different ways. The most common way is to use the WordPress administrator panel.

To do this, go to the Users & GroUPS section of the WordPress admin area, and click on the Add New User button.

The Add New User form will appear. In the User Name field, type the name of the user you want to add capabilities to.

In the Role field, select the role you want to add the capabilities to.

Next, in the Capabilities field, type the capabilities you want to add to the user role. For example, if you want to add the ability to create posts, you would type “post”.

Finally, in the Role Assignment field, type the name of the user who will be assigned the newly added capability. For example, if you want to add the ability to create posts to the blog administrator role, you would type “blog administrator”.

Click on the OK button to close the Add New User form.

To remove capabilities from a user role, go to the Users & GroUPS section of the WordPress admin area, and click on the Edit link next to the user role you want to remove the capabilities from.

The Edit User Role form will appear. In the Capabilities field, delete the capabilities you want to remove from the user role.

Click on the OK button to close the Edit User Role form.

Your user roles will now reflect the changes you’ve made.

To add or remove capabilities to user roles in WordPress, use the WordPress administrator panel.