How Do I Add Notifications in WordPress?

WordPress is a great platform for creating a website or blog, but it can be a bit of a pain to keep track of notifications. In this article, we’ll show you how to add notifications in WordPress so you can keep track of important updates without having to constantly check your email.

To add notifications in WordPress, first make sure you have the appropriate plugin installed. We recommend the NotifyMe plugin, which is available as a free and premium version.

Once you have the plugin installed, you can configure it to send notifications to your email address or blog post.

To configure the plugin to send notifications to your email address, open the NotifyMe plugin’s Settings page and enter your email address in the “Email Address” field. You can also choose to send notifications to your blog posts, by entering the post’s ID in the “Blog Post ID” field.

Once you have configured the plugin to send notifications to your email address or blog post, you’ll need to add a notification sender to your WordPress site. To do this, open the NotifyMe plugin’s Settings page and click on the “Notification Senders” tab.

Click on the “Add New” button and enter the sender’s email address in the “Sender Email” field. You can also enter the sender’s blog post ID if you want the notification to be sent to that blog post.

Finally, you’ll need to add a checkbox to the “Notification Settings” page to enable notifications. Click on the “Notification Settings” button and check the box to enable notifications.

When you’re ready to start receiving notifications, just click on the “Notification Settings” button and select which notifications you want to receive. You can select which posts, posts by category, or all posts to receive notifications for.

When you’re ready to stop receiving notifications, just uncheck the “Notification Settings” button and all notifications will stop being sent.

Now that you know how to add notifications in WordPress, you’re ready to start keeping track of your updates without having to constantly check your email.